Monday, May 20, 2013

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 2nd Edition, Berk and DeMarzo

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 2nd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo and Jarrad Harford applied perspective cements understanding of the modern-day core principles by equipping students with a problem-solving methodology and profiling real-life financial management practices—all within a clear valuation framework.

The second edition focuses on new topics and includes an increased emphasis on valuation. The Valuation Principle provides students with a cohesive understanding of why they are learning the concepts and tools in their first finance course: to make decisions that increase firm value. Chapter 3, The Valuation Principle: The Foundation of Financial Decision Making, introduces the framework and explains the need to value costs and benefits in order to make good financial decisions.

Guided Problem Solutions (GPS) are examples that accompany every important concept using a consistent problem-solving methodology that breaks the solution process into three steps: Plan, Execute, and Evaluate. Common Mistake boxes alert students to frequently made mistakes stemming from misunderstanding core concepts and calculations.

Financial Calculator keystrokes within GPS boxes and instructional appendices instruct students to solve problems with this tool. Using Excel boxes describe Excel techniques and include screenshots to serve as a guide for students using this technology. This text features actual companies and practitioners in the field.

Chapter-Opening Interviews with recent college graduates now working in the field of finance underscore the relevance of these concepts to students who are encountering them for the first time. Practitioner Interviews from notable professionals are featured in many chapters. Questions at the end of each section enable students to test their understanding and target areas in which they need further review.

End-of-chapter problems written personally by Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo, and Jarrad Harford offer instructors the opportunity to assign first-rate materials to students for homework and practice. Both problems and solutions, which were also written by the authors, have been accuracy checked and class tested to ensure quality.

More details about this book...


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